Joy is often found in the little things. Since I refuse to use my wolf mugs for fear of breaking them, years ago I took to enjoying my morning cups of coffee with foxes. Fox, after all, is kin to coyote, who is cousin to wolf. My regular fox mug started to look gross no matter how much I cleaned it. On a whim, I saw this happy fox in a catalogue and decided to get him. I have always been a details person and often delight in the whimsical. After Foxy arrived I confirmed he was indeed dishwasher and microwave safe as I waited for my chicory coffee from New Orleans’ Café du Monde to finish brewing. I opened my little orange fox container and started out with my customary spoonful of “sugar” (Splenda.) After I’d poured my coffee and added my organic hazelnut almond milk creamer I noticed something … at the top of my new mug, written in tiny black letters, were the words, “Wherever you are, be all there.” I was completely and delightfully surprised to find the quirky script as well as the sort of informal mantra that greeted me. So I did some research and learned the the quote belonged to the late Christian missionary Jim Elliot. As I sat down to savor my first sip I found myself rereading the little words again. I had no idea when I’d ordered it that it contained any type of quote. I like to get going before my husband and daughter, so I sat in silence as I contemplated this. It was just six words but they were packed with so much meaning. I thought about my childhood and knew that I was definitely “all there” with my sweet parents. But with the advent of my beloved iPhone, I realize it has made me not fully present in some ways. While I have used it to record so much of my married life and practically everything our child has ever done, I do not feel that by documenting it I lost anything in the moment. When I have not been “all there” were the times I just wanted to read instead of drawing with my little girl. I have texted as I’ve listened with half an ear to my husband’s paranormal interests; yet he has read each and every one of my blogs. I REALLY want to be fully present with my family, whom I love with all my heart. I want to be more “there” with friends and strangers and places I encounter. Dear readers, wherever you are, be all there.