Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. ~ Hebrews 11:1
It was my father’s favorite scripture. And it became mine. I find it interesting that “faith” is both a noun and a verb. To me they are intertwined; you cannot have one without the other. The one time I lost my faith was after our second round of in vitro. The doctors said, due to an error on their part, it was almost impossible for me to conceive. We had no problems other than we were older. I was so sure if I ever had a little girl her middle name would be Faith. When I did get pregnant my endocrinologist begged me not to tell anyone even after I had passed my first trimester. I had a wonderful, easy pregnancy and she was born on my late father’s birthday. Her middle name is Grace because in the end it was by the grace of God when I had lost my faith. She is a daily reminder of God’s goodness and I strive to be better because of her. My parents are gone but she lives on in them.