Our second stop was the State Capital. It was exciting to go out all day, get dressed for dinner back on board ship at night, and then wake up the next morning at a different port of call. The most daring thing we had planned in Juneau was a tram ride. It turned out Mount Roberts, with its six minute ascent of 3,189 feet, has one of the most vertical tramways in the world. Once we got to the top I found the overhang fascinatingly sickening. We ate lunch in the restaurant and then visited the nature center and Native Cultural Center. Afterward we hiked up to a beautiful large wooden cross overlooking the Gastineau Channel. The trail was lovely, easy and not scary at all. They had several to take ranging from less than a mile to about three. For us the end result of the path we chose had the most significance.
“It is to the cross that the Christian is challenged to follow his Master: no path of redemption can make a detour around it.” ~ The Reverend Father Hans Urs von Balthasar