“Let’s begin by taking a smallish nap or two,” in the words of novelist A.A. Milne’s beloved Winnie the Pooh. There is NOTHING better than a Sunday afternoon nap! Curl up with cats and it’s even sweeter. I think there’s a form of sleep shaming going on in society, and those who get by with the least amount “win”. As a kid I viewed nap time as punishment and now I regard it as the highest reward. Of course most of us cannot take naps everyday. But sleep is important and those who require more than others should not be viewed as lazy. Mama was continually embarrassed because Daddy ALWAYS fell asleep in church like clockwork once the sermon started. Ironically, he loved attending church and said he felt at peace whenever he was there. I remember one Midnight Mass where a friend and I were the only two non-Catholics in attendance and literally the ENTIRE church was snoring. It was so funny we giggled like school children. I was sure the Priest saw us but we could not seem to stop. And hey, at least we were awake! I cherish nap time with my little girl — the feel and weight of her small body next to mine, hearing her soft snores, and having her arm wrapped trustingly against my neck. I know this time is precious. And so I am off to take a nap with some cats, a kiddo, a one-eyed Shih Tzu, and two wolfies. We will be all snuggled up together resting for the week ahead. Sweet dreams to all.

I love being able to “turn off the day”, however brief it may be for a nap! And having a little one and the “furries” all snuggled up with you is a blessing!
“Turn off the day.” What a great turn of phrase Missy! I quite agree.