“The morning cup of coffee has an exhilaration about it which the cheering influence of the afternoon or evening cup of tea cannot be expected to reproduce.” ~ American physician and author Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
It all started after Thanksgiving. As a pet sitter, the holidays are some of my busiest times and I was exhausted! It had been raining cats and dogs (pun intended) for over a week. So it was up early and out late; rinse and repeat. These are not complaints, as I love owning my little business, just providing some background. I prefer the company of the four leggeds to the two. But fortune smiled suddenly and I had NO WORK on the calendar for the next day. That almost never happens. It wasn’t supposed to, actually. One family cancelled because their lake house was a swamp, others were already scheduled to come home, and another client came back early. So I was all set to snuggle up and sleep in until 6:30 AM the following day. I had made the coffee the night before but it doesn’t have a timer. (The old model is pictured above.) When Burk got up I sleepily asked if he could simply punch the button on the coffee maker. Just PUNCH the BUTTON! He came back and forth up and down the steps and each time I hunkered deeper under the covers, trying to eek out a few more minutes of comfort. Every time he trampled through I’d ask if he could PLEASE just punch the button on the coffee maker, as it was all ready to go. For once I wanted to come downstairs greeted by the smell of already brewed coffee. The next thing I know I’m getting a goodbye kiss and I hear the front door close and lock. Springing up wall-eyed in abject disbelief, I sniffed the air repeatedly … to no avail. Where was the wafting scent of my beloved Cafe du Monde coffee with chicory?! WHERE?! Was punching ONE little button too much to ask? I sat there stewing and fuming with a sort of vacant disbelief. Then it hit me. And so, with the punch of one little button of my own, I ordered a new coffee maker controllable by my iPhone. It is programmable for up to a week or one can brew instantly at any time. I can now wake up and come down to freshly brewed coffee every morning! I even got a text saying, “Coffee’s ready!” while I was still in bed! I am considering this an early Christmas present to myself. Sometimes it’s the little things. And sometimes the little things are really a big deal. So with a volt and a jolt, bottoms up to me getting MY bottom up and at ’em better each day! It just got a little easier. I like my husband like I like my coffee — strong, sweet, and a heart pounder — so I’m still keeping him. 😉