I am fairly certain I have taken at least one picture of my baby just about every day since the day she was born. Some would say that is excessive. For me the shots are priceless. Looking back I notice the little things I was too tired, too worried, or too inexperienced to notice as they were happening. I sometimes hear people admonishing others to put down the camera and simply experience life. For me the camera records and documents our lives and does not hinder my ability to live in the moment. It does however allow me to go back and RElive it with a kind of clarity and acuity my mind’s eye cannot fully recall. My baby, now four, got an iPad for Christmas and I had no idea she’d been taking pictures with it. I was too worried about childproofing it and loading it up with educational apps to notice. Today I discovered this picture. I remember her saying, “Hey Mama!” and when I turned around she said, “CHEESE!” I have since discovered she has taken pictures of her daddy, the wolfies and a LOT of her baby doll. I have NO idea where she gets it. <Looking up at the sky and whistling nonchalantly.> I really think she has an eye and she certainly has an interesting perspective being so little — literally and figuratively. And so now I have discovered yet another way to love pictures — through the lense of my child. Writer Kurt Vonnegut said, “To practice any art, no matter how well or how badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it.” I intend to. And I believe my daughter does, too.