We received a bonsai tree for Christmas. I have always wanted one and particularly love ours because it has three main branches. There are three in our little family and it also reminds me of the Holy Trinity. In addition I like its shape because, according to Japanese tradition, the bonsai represents the three virtues of truth, goodness and beauty. It is harmony in nature contained. This is a Juniper, one of the top three species used for bonsais. Apparently it is a favorite because of its natural flowing shape and slow growth habit. The word “bonsai” is a Japanese pronunciation of an earlier Chinese term. “Penzai”, which literally means “tray plant”, stems from the ancient Chinese art of depicting elegantly formed trees and rocks in miniature landscape. I am surprised and happy to report is the ONLY living thing in our house which our cats have not destroyed. Even they must appreciate and respect its zen beauty. I love to watch the water trickle by the rock each day as I water it. A quietly peaceful addition to our house, it has been no trouble at all to keep. Bonsai author John Yoshio Naka said, “There are no borders in bonsai. The dove of peace flies to palace as to humble house, to young as to old, to rich and poor. So does the spirit of bonsai.”