Mama always called me “Baby Doll” from the time I can remember until she passed from this life. I never played with dolls or even liked them but I loved the endearment because she gave it to me. Like my Grandmother Maris, she was so soft spoken, elegant, and gentle. I never knew where she got the idea to call me that. Then when I met my future husband he began calling me “Baby Doll” almost from the instant we started seriously dating. I KNEW he was different and that confirmed it. When he met my mother I told her what he always called me and she just smiled her sweet, beautiful, radiant smile. I asked Burk why he chose that name and he said he didn’t know. I just knew that for whatever reason it must belong to me. The first time I saw my precious child for whom I had waited 41 years and for whom I had so fervently prayed, I marveled at her perfect beauty and thought she looked just like a Baby Doll. With that realization dawned: the cycle continues. Now I call her my Baby Doll. Former U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, “There is a mysterious cycle in human events. To some generations much is given. Of other generations much is expected. This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny.” Everyone of us has our rendezvous; we just have to wait and pray to find it.

Wonderful and uplifting story 🙂
Thank you so much Chris.