Last year the day after Thanksgiving I found myself stunned standing in the middle of my driveway. We had a relatively new postal carrier who saw me and stopped to ask something I cannot remember. I’m pretty sure he was just checking to see if I was OK. I had just received the most devastating phone call of my life only a few minutes earlier. He was the first person I told that my mother had just passed away and I think he was debating whether or not to hug me. That’s when I found out he was a Christian. And the quiet conviction in his words affirmed what I already knew about eternal salvation. I just remember looking into his eyes and trying to absorb his sincere strength, both in his unswerving faith in scripture and in his own personal fortitude. My then three year old was with me and I was trying not to cry. She loved her namesake and had been with me to visit my mother almost every day since the day she was born. When I asked his name, he told me it was Churchill, “like Winston Churchill”. I do not think that precious man will ever know what he did for me that day. I was suddenly an orphan with no father, mother, or grandparents left. And then I watched as he cast loving eyes on my child who is the embodiment, by God’s grace, of all of my blood who have already been called home. I realized then God was showing me His goodness, mercifulness, and kindness in the midst of such incredible sorrow. The angel He had sent to comfort me was standing right in front of me. It really is true that kids and dogs know good people. My little one took to him instantly. He calls her sweetheart in a way that never fails to get me. She looks for him every day with her little eyes, nose and hands pressed against the window and I have often had to stop the car so she can wave to him as he is going along our neighborhood route. Winston Churchill said we make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. I am blessed to say I know a great man named Churchill. And I am grateful to God for putting him in our lives. He is a daily reminder to me to be as happy, positive, and full of joy as he always is — in rain or shine. As far as I’m concerned he is family and my daughter and I love him as such. Seeing him each day is healing in a way I cannot explain. He was kind and thoughtful enough to send back a card after we had given him one at Christmas. It reads:
“Life is a lovely garden, An ever-growing thing, Where thoughtfulness and kindness bloom like flowers in the spring.”
God bless you and keep you Churchill. You are a special man and certainly a great one. I so hope you know you hold the heart of a little girl who lost her beloved grandmother over a year ago now. She still remembers her and her grandfather, whom she never got to meet, in her prayers each and every night. Angels walk amongst us; you, sir, are among His finest.

Awwww how sweet.I am completely flabbergasted , you take me unaware on with this post .well God I’m His infinite mercy will continue to comfort you and your family,that’s for sure no two ways about it. I know how it feels to lose a love one to the inevitable hands of death.
Ms Laura ,I am very pleased and thankful for taking out time to pour out this love you and your family have for me.If only you will understand how much joy you and Maris gives me each time I cross paths with you guys,you always make my day go faster with much energy to finish my work on those days you wave,speak,honk your horn.God does not make mistakes you have been a blessing to me as well,knowing you all it self it’s a blessing.please give my love to lovely Ms Maris for me she makes my days always with her beautiful smiles.Lets keep giving thanks for everything.
Maris has been leaving you “presents” in our mailbox but we haven’t seen you this week. You have a collection of leaves, some dandelions, and a big rock waiting for you. Those are her treasures. 🙂