I did a lot of things with my folks growing up but going to a nightclub was not one of them, much less when I was four! Now Dallas has a place they open up to families two Friday nights a month. There was a party there last night as a fundraiser for my daughter’s school so I figured it would be a good time to check it out. Maris and I looked at the matching stamps on our hands and grinned; it was a surreal moment. Grown up drinks for Mommy and Daddy at the bar, juice for the kids to get wild and crazy, and a pizza truck provided sustenance for us all. I thought the best fun was the light up stuff and goodies at the kiddie kiosk. The great disappointment came in that there was no disco — only underground grunge. For me disco harkens back to my rollerskating days when the world was mine; grunge makes me think of yet another date I had when I was single and went to some club I really didn’t like. But what a joy to be on the lighted dance floor with my little girl. And I have a sweet, handsome husband now who graciously got us food and drinks and showed us a good time. My little one wore her twinkle toe light up shoes, glow necklaces, glow bracelets, and sported some of my ancient glow in the dark Hello Kitty glitter. At the kiosk she got some sort of twirling flashlight thing that reminded me of when I used to go to the circus as a kid. Then her friend gave her a balloon that lit up. She really rocked it! The New Yorker magazine writer James Thurber said, “There are two kinds of light — the glow that illuminates, and the glare that obscures.” My girl MGM has a glow all on her own; the rest is just guilding the lily.