It was a day full of running around. I hadn’t slept much and my little one was in her frog pj’s all day. A friend thought I was clever for putting her in them since this was a leap year. As much as I would like to take credit for being witty, it was just happenstance. Every morning I fill our fountains for the day and, in my haste, I neglected to do so today. Tonight I discovered our pot fountain was dry; there was almost no water left in the reservoir. I hastily filled it to the brim but it seemed too late. Water is supposed to pour from the top vessel to the center one and on to the bottom before returning to the basin to start again. I have spent many years as a caregiver and I am thankful to have a husband and daughter who need me now. But I realize I have neglected myself and in turn I know I will not be able to help them if I get too burned out. As silly as it seems, I stood there with that hose willing my little fountain to work. It is a small thing but it brings me peace and joy. Finally I shut off the hose in resignation. I had neglected it to the point of it just giving out. Then as I was turning to close the gate I started to hear the faint, beginning sounds of water trickling. And I realized, you cannot give from a dry well. It is not selfish to make a little time for one’s self and for some reason I guess I needed to give myself permission to do so. This struggling fountain was a physical reminder that I mustn’t let myself run dry or I will be of no help to my family or others. American author Jim Rohn said, “You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of.” This also served as a reminder to me that, in my arrogance, I need God. I can do nothing without Him. I have everything because of Him. So many references are made in scripture about Christ being the only living water. I need to spend more time at the foot of the fountain that never runs dry.