I have made no secret of my love for my Apple Watch. In fact, I credit it with making me realize how sedentary I was despite the fact that I walk a lot. I cannot go to any gym because they make me extremely anxious. Between the blaring music, flashing television screens and weights being slammed down, or some instructor shouting at a group of sweaty people, it’s all a bit too much for me. I far prefer the outdoors and watching the sun rise or set as I jog. I made a New Year’s resolution to “make” my rings on the Apple Watch every day. There are three: one is for standing each hour, one for moving (calories), and one for your heart. Of particular import to me is the one which requires getting your heart rate up for half an hour. Instead using food as a congratulatory, at the end of each month I am treating myself to my all time favorite indulgence — a 90 minute hot stone massage. It is the best reward for me for a month of daily running and, if I miss once no matter what, I don’t get it. So I am trying to use that as the proverbial carrot to keep going. Not only am I sore from punching and kicking in karate, it offers a soothing environment which helps tamp down my anxiety. So now I have gotten two wonderful massages, along with virtual medals from my watch noting each month’s worth of consistent exercise. I am trying to make this a habit like brushing my teeth; I want to get to the point where I simply do it. When I don’t want to, or I’m too tired, I remind myself of the need to stay healthy. American essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The reward of a thing well done is having done it.” I hope to reach that point. Until then I shall anticipate my next date with those heavenly smooth hot stones that await.