In the week since I’ve found out my little one is gluten intolerant and also cannot have dairy or eggs we have been to two birthday parties. Both served pizza and cupcakes. Both she could not eat. At the first party she cried because she wanted to stay and sing “Happy Birthday” to the birthday girl. (I was trying to get her out before they started eating.) God bless them for being considerate enough to get her a dairy free, egg free, gluten free cupcake. I know you won’t believe this but you would never know the difference; it was truly delicious. I have now discovered snack mix she can have while others are eating pizza and I hope to get to the point where I bring her own pizza discreetly and slip it in. The great thing is it requires vegan cheese and she is developing my sensitivity to animals. Whether or not she is headed down the path to being a vegetarian I cannot say, but cutting dairy is such a wonderful thing to do for the cows. She had a great time and proudly ate her cupcake along with everyone else. I am told Disney World accommodates gluten free as well as other food allergies, God bless them. I left today’s birthday party with an elated kiddo who informed me she did not need a nap but dozed off mid-sentence. American author Peter Guber said, “Stories aren’t the icing on the cake; they are the cake!” I look forward to enjoying a lot more cake with my precious, beautiful Baby Doll.