Dallas was all abuzz a few years back at the news we would be getting Trader Joe’s. I had no idea what the fuss was about until we visited my cousins in Arizona and every delicious thing she made came from Trader Joe’s. When they finally opened in Dallas, I was thrilled to discover they were like a cross between Whole Foods (or “whole paycheck” as is often joked) and maybe an ALDI. My little one was even more little then and she LOVED pushing the kid’s cart around. We definitely needed the one with the flag as a warning to others though! She had just learned to walk so she wielded it somewhat drunkenly around the store. Tenacious little thing; she refused to let me help. I even have video of her unloading all the food from her little cart by herself so S L O W L Y and the darling man was just smiling and waiting with the patience of a saint for her to finish. That’s when I really fell in love with Trader Joe’s. Their food was great (we only buy organic), their prices were great (half the cost of Whole Foods) and the people MADE it by being so consistently kind! Everyone knows kids love stickers. And I happen to love samples. So the little one and I enjoy shopping there for both the former and the latter, among other reasons. Here it was the day before St. Patrick’s Day and this cheery, kind woman was handing out samples. When I explained my little girl could not try any because of her gluten/dairy/egg intolerance, she came out and asked Maris if she liked stickers. Not only did that cheer her up, the woman proceeded to take the lighted shamrock necklace she was wearing and insist upon my little girl having it. What a kindness. Such a sweet thing to do when she certainly did not have to. Another clerk overheard about her food allergies and went and found us two complete lists of everything in the store they offer that my little one can have! He went out of his way to help and did so cheerfully. Neiman Marcus knew the real secret to success was great customer service. And Trader Joe’s should be commended for consistently hiring happy, kind, kid-friendly, educated people who genuinely care about what they’re selling and to whom they sell it. That is indeed a rarity in today’s world. Mother Teresa said, “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” God bless you Trader Joe’s for making a four year old’s trip to the grocery store so happy.