When Mama and Daddy were in high school, she said Daddy went up to her on the stairs, pressed a note in her hand, and then RAN off! He was too shy to actually speak with her and in his note he asked her to attend a box supper. I did not know this, but apparently it was where the girls made a supper, put it in a box, decorated it and then the boys would bid on the boxes. Of course they wanted to win the chance to share dinner with the girl they liked but I don’t think you were supposed to know who made which box. I believe it was for a church so that’s where the proceeds went. I have always thought it was romantic (if slightly sexist) and it turns out that was their first date. So my title is intended to be punny but I did not know how many people would appreciate it without the explanation. A client recently gave me two box dinners that come delivered to your door complete with all the fresh ingredients and all you have to do is dump them in a pan and cook them. I chose two vegan, gluten free ones and both my husband and my daughter flipped! It was absolutely delicious and SO NICE to have all the ingredients right there and premeasured. I still cooked it but it was so much easier. It was such an unexpected delight! I love cooking for my family but, as everyone out there knows, making the time for it is not always easy. French gastronome Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin said, “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are.” This meal managed to thrill my meat eating husband, my gluten intolerant child and my deep sense of animal ethics. (I omitted the yogurt to make it vegan.) Plus it was absolutely delicious! It had chickpeas, green beans, tomato sauce, onion, a serrano pepper, curry, basmati rice (my favorite) and fresh ginger that I can recall. I had never even cooked with fresh ginger before. We even had left-overs the next day. I just may find myself boxing up more dinners in the future. Bon appétit!