They didn’t have children’s bulletins at church when I was a kid. One had to be content with drawing on the back of offering envelopes and using them to ask when it was time to go to the cafeteria. Once in the fourth grade I got caught with my shoes off and I was an acolyte. Our church used to be on TV and I remember the camera man turning to film me. Fortunately I was paying attention so I didn’t get in trouble with my folks. For some time now our church has provided the “Children’s Worship Bulletin” and I think they are really wonderful. Each week is different and there is a scripture that correlates with the sermon. This one was entitled “Jesus Appears by the Sea” and was so fun; the front had a maze of ocean waves you had to follow to reach Jesus. Inside one had to circle the correct number of times Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love me?” by finding the question marks. The next page was a coded message (I LIVED for codes when I was a kid!) and the back you see pictured here. In addition the whole thing is a four page coloring book. And our church even provides the crayons. I have seen my four year old trace her name from school but never any thing else. Matthew 21:16 (from the American King James Version) says:
And said to him, Hear you what these say? And Jesus said to them, Yes; have you never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings you have perfected praise?
I looked down to discover the first words my child would ever trace. I was stunned as they lept out at me from the page. They were the words of Christ: simply, “‘Follow me.'” Out of the mouths of babes …