When my mother first found out we were having a little girl she admonished me not “to dress that baby all in blue!” and she knew it would be a battle for me not to do so. I adore dark blue. It’s on everything from our duvet to our formal china. My Christmas colors are dark blue and silver. My entire closet is pretty much only dark blue. I always wear the little dark blue sapphire cross I got when I worked at Lord & Taylor back in college. For my little one though, it’s all about pink. And I do not believe it is a passing fancy simply because she is a girl and she’s little. She loves it in the same way I cannot get enough of blue. I will never forget when she first started taking karate at three and, after earning her first two belts, she worked up all her courage to approach her master instructor. She shyly peeped up at this big, intimidating man dressed all in black to ask if they had a pink belt in karate. You could see him struggle not to smile as he gently told her there was not. Recently I told her about local business great Mary Kay and how she would give away pink cars to her top salespeople. It was in answer to her query about why there were no pink cars on the road. She gravitates to pink like I do to blue. I also notice we both favor the darker color as opposed to a pastel. So when I bought her paints the other day of COURSE I bought an extra bottle of (washable — thank goodness) pink. She was so thrilled! “IT’S PINK! IT’S PINK MAMA!” she kept saying as she was jumping up and down and sweetly saying thank you. She has begun pointing out blue things for me just as I am always on the lookout for pink for her. I grinned when I snapped this pic after I told her to please go wash her hands before supper. Note the pink shirt (the pink hands I should think are obvious) with my blue shower curtain behind her. The famous actress and humanitarian Audrey Hepburn said:
“I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.”
I have always loved “La Vie En Rose”. I believe my little one has, even at her tender years, already learned to embrace this. So maybe a little pink rubbing off on me would not be a bad thing. I think I shall add more into my own wardrobe. Maris has already brought my whole life into pink.