HOW I have managed to live this long, and in Texas, and not know about this “hot sauce” is beyond me. I guess I’ve habitually gone for Tabasco but I must confess this is infinitely better! My little one loved it so much she LICKED HER PLATE and it coated the bottom of her ringlets. We don’t really get why they call it hot; we simply find it savory. I used an entire bottle on my spinach omelette and the waitress slipped me a new one, pictured here, to take home! I seriously cannot get enough of it! I have put it on practically everything and am considering carrying a purse to restaurants just so I will have some with me. Apparently they’ve got five different kinds … and I am on a quest to find and try them all. Our little one kept saying, “It’s not hot Mama; it’s good!” as I nodded in agreement through flavorful mouthfuls. Personally I’m with American actress Cheryl Hines who said, “I love hot sauce. It can’t be hot enough for me.” However my husband does not have the cast iron constitution my daughter and I do so I hope he might enjoy this as well and try it. I’m going to put it in guacamole the next time I make it. Interestingly I discovered it is named after the Cholula Puebla which claims to be the oldest still-inhabited city of Mexico. It was produced for three generations in Chapala, Mexico and was introduced to Texas in 1989. So now I know how long I’ve been missing out!

It has been my personal favorite for quite a few years now, but can’t stop exploring! Enjoy
Thanks for reading Garry; and you’re right … exploring is half the fun!