I love cars. I have always loved them. I also love cigars. My husband, on the other hand, could not care less about either. Our marriage has always been great in terms of chores because he has a thing about not having dishes in the sink so he always loads and unloads the dishwasher. I am the “techie” who handles all our electronics and the handy woman who just generally knows how to do stuff. It works out well for us and we are happy. My car needed repairs and was JUST out of warranty. When our trusted guy at the dealership said he could make that sizable bill go away and, due to my low driving mileage, it would be cheaper if I considered leasing, the first thing I did was head for the Lincoln MKX’s. As I have said, I love cars; pictured here is what I chose and it’s a real beauty. The ride is noticeably smoother, the tires better, and the sound system like a private concert hall. This is the second nicest car I have ever driven. When I met my husband I had a Land Rover but it was a terrible gas guzzler and I felt environmentally arrogant and irresponsible driving it. So it has been a long time since I have driven a “luxury” car. And OH how I have missed it! I have missed the lumbar, all the controls, and the incredible pick up when you need to get on the highway. Despite the fact that we’re in Texas my black on black car is not even hot. It has air conditioned front seats! I’ve had heated seats before but never air conditioned. I spend a lot of time in my car and it brings me great pleasure to be driving such a sweet piece of engineering again. I still have my beloved panoramic sunroof and cool dark blue ambient lighting. Of course it is keyless but now I can even program it to start from my iPhone! My app tells me how many miles I have driven, oil life, tire pressure, and all sorts of other stuff. The dashboard gives me the speed limit (VERY helpful) and I officially love my back up camera. At night when I click the key a lit Lincoln “welcome mat” is projected on both sides of the car. It is pitiful how much I love it. American actress Alexandra Paul said, “The cars we drive say a lot about us.” I hope mine says I love the outdoors, care about the environment, and enjoy using the latest technology. Some women love clothes, shoes, and handbags. Just give me a hot car and a good cigar.