I love brunch. Primarily I eat the “br” part of it as opposed to the “unch”; I suppose just because I enjoy a good breakfast. My husband really got me started on wanting big breakfasts when we began traveling. Then we’d eat a very light lunch and a little more at dinner. I have also noticed it is the only time in which it is really acceptable to have an alcoholic drink early in the day. Pictured here is simply a healthy smoothy — mango, pineapple and orange juice. I don’t really love fruit so I find smoothies are a good way to sneak them in. Of course seated across from said smoothy is my very handsome husband. And you can just see the bow of our little one next to him. The restaurant we were in recently opened a second location close to our house. When I was in college I used to deliver food for them at their first location. How’s that for full circle? The company I worked for was called Entrees on Trays and I was the only girl driver. I loved meeting the working people of that job and found the kitchens fascinating. Delivering to some of the people was not the most pleasant but that was a learning experience as well. If you live in a two million dollar plus home and your delivery driver does a good job I think you should tip more than $2 … particularly given you saved the mandatory 20% gratuity by getting it to go. But I digress. Sunday brunch is still a treat: whether on vacation, for a special occasion, on a holiday or just for no reason at all. I am reminded of American nutritionist Adelle Davis’ words, “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.” Sometimes that is not always possible and I think dinner is very important as well, but I like the sentiment. Wherever you are reading this and whatever it is you enjoy eating I wish you a happy, leisurely time spent with family and friends.