If you build it, they will come. And they most certainly did! Ever since we had our little koi pond made we have had some delightfully unexpected inhabitants; one of whom made themselves known right away. Our first summer we started hearing these loud braaaaaping sounds at night. They were very vocal and one would call, followed by another’s reply about a minute later. Despite the volume under our bedroom window ascending its way heavenward I found their cadence lulling and, after a time, got used to it and fell asleep. One afternoon I looked in the pond and discovered it was absolutely covered in tiny black dots. Upon closer inspection I noticed they were moving! We had tadpoles! For several years I thought they were frogs. I have since learned they are toads. Regardless, I adore them. Just look at this big sexy pictured here! I love holding them and our little one pats them on the head. Their songs stop in the autumn and they hibernate in the winter. I know summer is here when they return. Their babies have now had babies, and so on. It is a cycle of life from water to earth; conception to birth. Every stage is a joy, a privilege, and a miracle to watch unfold. I particularly love when the tadpoles are almost fully formed but are still in the water because they have yet to lose their tails. It is a process I suppose we all know but I find it fascinating nonetheless. The Scottish author of “The Wind in the Willows” Kenneth Grahame wrote:
“The clever men at Oxford, know all that there is to be knowed. But they none of them know one half as much, as intelligent Mr. Toad.”
I think I shall continue to watch and listen … and learn from Mr. Toad. So far I have observed not to get stuck, to allow people to help if you need it, and to sing from your heart. I think those are simple but difficult tenets to put into practice. If anyone ever asks where I learned some of my life skills, I shall say I aquired them from a load of toads.

I know how much you love your toads, I’m jealous. maybe I need a pond! you should take pics of the life cycle, I dont think Ive ever seen an almost developed tadpole
Actually Jessica I do have pictures of them at the final tadpole stage and also when they have just become toads. I will try and fish them up and post about them. Thank you for reading and taking the time to respond.