I first discovered this when we were visiting in Santa Fe. Now we eat it for breakfast all the time. You simply heat olive oil in a pan, add some chopped onion, crack some eggs, and crumble some tortilla chips with them. I love blue corn. It is done in minutes! You can add salsa, sour cream, guacamole, beans, cheese, or simply some salt. Our whole family adores them. Traditionally, corn tortillas are cut in quarters and lightly fried. And they are often confused with Tex-Mex migas, a very similar dish involving eggs and corn tortillas. Tex-Mex and New Mexico cuisine is similar and yet different — the common denominator of course being Mexico. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong. But I can tell you this; it simply cannot be beat! It is healthy, easy, and quick. I’m not sure how this picture looks, (and I know now why they have “food stylists”) but I just snapped our regular, morning breakfast. It is healthy, delicious, and so simple it does not even qualify as cooking. At our house it is a staple. My little one and I live on them and my husband enjoys them as well. American economist, academic, and writer Tyler Cowen said, “In most of the world, breakfast is an important meal.” I agree, as everyone goes their separate ways for lunch and, if we’re lucky, we all come together for dinner. The one thing we can count on, however, is breakfast together. I love starting the day off right — gathered as a family and enjoying a good meal; no matter what you call it.

Throw some spinich and multiple colors of bell peppers and it’s even more delish. We eat a lot of this too. Gets veggies and protein in one
Spinach and jalapenos: done! Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to respond!
I discovered this recently in Tucson. I was in love. Great meal.
Funny how it’s not prevalent in Texas Kelly. But I predict it soon will be.
Checking out your blog because I KNEW I could find some new recipe ideas here and I DID! This sounds great and I must make it soon! Thanks for the info and the awesome blog with all of the great information.
Nancy thank you so much for reading and responding! I feel like I have not written many recipes but I shall resolve to do better! I am really trying to go vegan. But not the raw kale munching type; the rich, hearty satisfying kind. 🙂