At the request of a reader, I am attempting to document our toads in their various stages. First I showed Daddy; now meet baby! And there are more in the works. These little guys are smaller than the size of a dime. What a treasure! They almost look like flies on the ground until you see them hop. I cannot tell you how much I love them! What an unexpected joy they have been not only for me but for my husband and daughter as well. They are wondrous miracles of God and nature. Brazilian politician Jaime Lerner said this:
“There is no place in a city that can’t be better. There is no toad that can’t be a princess, no frog that can’t become a prince.”
And so goes the magic of our little pond: rife with possibilities and an endless source of mystery. My little one isn’t afraid to hold them and delights just as I do upon spying them hidden in our yard. And guess what? I predict my girl will turn out to be the lucky one as I have been. One who is fortunate to delight in nature and revel in the miracle of life. In American Indian culture thought is given as to how decisions made now will impact the next seven generations. I hope our home will be a sanctuary for the next seven generations and beyond. Achukma hoke.

Look how tiny! Eeeeek! I want one lol
Jessica I should have more accurately said they are about HALF the size of a dime.