Today was my husband’s birthday. It just so happened to have fallen on a Sunday. In our church, we pray for those who have birthdays in the coming week and ask that they stand so they can be recognized. I daresay ANY Episcopalian would rather be stabbed than have to stand, but parishioners manage to do so every week. I think my husband is no different, but he stood to receive his blessing nonetheless. Our little girl was so proud and happy it was his birthday. A four year old does not realize one views the anniversary of their birth differently than a 43 year old. I have always loved the words of Dr. Seuss:
“Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!”
So simple, yet such an apt sentiment. God created us all unique and individual. No one else can be you. So be the best you you can possibly be! Birthday or no, realize no one can compare or compete with the special, one of a kind, person God created you to be. Be the best you for God, for yourself, for your family, and for the world.