I have stated this before; I either find wolves or they find me. In this case my little one and I were walking to Starbucks and I stopped right after I noticed this advertisement for frozen food at a grocery store. It is clever and adorable! From Paris to Dallas, San Francisco to Seville, Antigua to Alaska, Venice to Vancouver, and all sorts of places in between I have found them, or they have found me. I have seen them on coins, ancient tiles, and tapestries; in statuary, murals, and stained glass. I have bought artisans’ crafts from all over with wolves carved from gems, woven in baskets, and burned into gourds. American essayist Henry David Thoreau once said, “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” I see a world with wolves, where they run free in the wild and are protected from trapping; where the only shooting allowed is from the lenses of cameras. I see a world where they have families that strengthen our national parks and the whole earth both environmentally and economically. A world with wolves — what a wonderful world indeed.