I get a kick out of witty cocktail napkins when I’m at parties. I enjoy discovering them and will actually keep one as a remembrance if it is truly funny; not mean. I had fun with this one as it took me a minute to read it. Ironically I had just been handed a drink. My tastes have changed over the years. I never drank in high school, and when I was over 21 (legal drinking age in the U.S.) I began enjoying Amaretto Sours. The best one I ever had was in San Antonio at our hotel on the river, as they made theirs fresh and not from a mix. Then I began drinking Blue Hawaiians. I didn’t particularly even like them; I just adored the blue color and I have always loved pineapple juice. To this day I’m not sure why that wasn’t a surefire winner with me. Finally I discovered “my” drink: a 7 & 7 with a lime. I do not like going to upscale parties where they try to convince me my beloved Canadian whiskey is not nearly as good as (fill in the blank with whatever they have). Yes, there are more expensive whiskeys, but for me none compare. I will allow for the substitution of Sprite instead of 7-Up but I also know when bartenders switch that on me, as well. I like to say that my favorite drink is like green bean casserole at Thanksgiving: it’s all in the chemistry. JUST MAKE IT LIKE IT IS! Don’t be pretentious and try to give it slivered almonds or eschew the recipe in its entirety simply because it comes out of cans. That is snobbery and it is silly. It’s all about the inexplicable mix of French’s french fried onions with the mushroom soup but it seems as if someone always has to try and tinker with it. The same goes for my drink. As American Judge Judy Sheindlin has famously said, “Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining”. Hey, that would be a good one to have made … read the writing on the napkin.