The British preacher Charles Spurgeon is quoted as once having said, “By perseverance the snail reached the ark.” I really like that. I can remember being little and announcing I was seven and a half. I always wanted to be older because I thought that’s where “IT” would be. You know, the elusive “IT” that means life is at its greatest. Sometimes I wonder if I’ve already lost “IT” with the deaths of my much beloved parents. Sometimes I wonder if I’ve finally achieved “IT” with being married and having a child. I’m not saying that’s for everyone, by the way; I just always wanted to have a family of my own. And doesn’t it seem as if summers lasted forever when you were young? I know it did for me. Life was full of endless possibilities and was going to be even better when I reached “IT.” At first “IT” was getting into college, then “IT” was graduating, after that “IT” was buying a condo, next “IT” was at last finding The One. I thought the final “IT” was having my daughter. Now I realize I have so many more “ITs” to go. I feel as if life is a roll of wrapping paper letting itself out slowly but going faster with the passing of each year. My little one keeps asking if she’s a kindergartner instead of being in Pre-K. I want to tell her to it relish “IT” as long as she can. Time is such a precious gift and how we choose to spend it says a lot about where our heart is. Mine is with my cherished miracle child and my impossibly handsome husband. “IT” is simply too dear to be rushed. Now I just want “IT” all to move as slowly as a snail.