A few years ago our microwave finally gave up the ghost. When we got a new one I never ordered the trim kit to finish it out. After two unsuccessful, frankly hellish attempts I FINALLY got what we needed. The first time they sent me something for the inside of the microwave; the second time it was the wrong size. I won’t mention the scratchy connections, dropped calls, and accents that could not be discerned. (I have a really good ear and can understand just about anyone so that is really saying something.) But hey at last I got it and I took it out of the box to assemble it. In typical cat fashion said box was dutifully inspected and then turned into a romper room of sorts. Pouncing on the screws, I hid them before the gatos discovered them. I am handy, but I do not own a drill. Weighing the cost of said drill versus trying to procure a reputable handyman who wouldn’t charge and arm and a leg, I opted to find a handyman. That way I could also get the lightbulb under the breakable glass dome way up high in the laundry room changed. It has been out since last spring when I broke my shoulder. And I could get the door knob in my office reassembled after I had to systematically dismantle the darn thing with a toy screw driver. The little one thought she was helping by locking it — from the inside out. Turns out a drill is needed for that as well. After multiple tries ranging from snotty to disinterested, at last I found a place and the legit handyman was able to accomplish all three tasks while being sniffed/kissed by the wolves. Through it all he managed to keep a calm patience and maintained good grace. Now our kitchen finally looks properly finished out instead of having our microwave sitting swallowed up in a yawning, cavernous hole in our cabinetry. Even my husband came home from work and appreciated it! American football coach Vince Lombardi once said, “The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.” I cannot say I was able to actually perform the tasks, but I CAN say it took a whole lot of work to get to these minor-but-major successes. So go ahead — check out the new grill.