I just wrote about our entryway the other day and here I found something else I never noticed. This time I was coming in and was struck by the beautiful blue light streaming through the window in the afternoon sun. I go in and out a lot every day between dropping the little one one off at school and picking her up, taking her to karate and swimming, having physical therapy on my mending broken shoulder, my rounds which are at all hours, church, and countless errands. But I cannot recall a time when the light has been so beautiful. It reminded me of stained glass, for which I have an intense passion. When I was eleven I wrote my first book on Christian Symbols solely because of my lifelong love for stained glass. It made me wonder if I have missed anything else in my rush to hurry here or there. The Dutch theologian Desiderius Erasmus once said, “Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself.” I think God gives us these moments to slow us down and see everyday things in a new light.