American writer Ray Bradbury once said, “Jump, and you will find out how to unfold your wings as you fall.” My little one, as you can see, was red-faced and happy after bouncing up and down on a trampoline at her friend’s birthday party. At first she was afraid. She could not even climb on it by herself. When she finally did decide to get on, her feet did not leave the rubber. But then, slowly but surely, there was a tiny bit of space between her toes and the trampoline. After a little while longer she was gleefully jumping; increasingly without as much caution. I confess as a kid I was scared and always worried about getting stuck in the coils. I want her to be careful but not afraid to try new things. So much of life is about taking a leap of faith and I think when we stop doing that we stop living. I have no desire to skydive but I would like to try and paint more. I may not be the best but it is out of my comfort zone and I have learned from trying it. I want to continue to push myself to explore new things and I encourage anyone reading this to do the same: jump, and unfold your wings.