They had a sweet event for the kiddos after school the other day: popsicles on the playground. Despite the fact that the heavens opened RIGHT as school let out and it poured did not seem to dampen any spirits — or the pleasure of enjoying a good popsicle. (Gluten free; God bless them!) We all huddled together under the Parish Hall awning since we could not go on the playground. My water baby of course was out jumping up and down in puddles already forming from the deluge a small distance away. Bright colored rivulets trickled down sticky little arms while a torrent of rain rushed through the church’s downspouts. I was looking forward to playing with my little one on that playground. She was going to show me what she did at recess everyday. I confess I did not mind missing the sandbox. The only type of sand I like involves sun, ocean breeze, and a drink with a little kick to it. But I really was genuinely looking forward to being able to just play with her in that special space belonging for such a brief time to her and her classmates. American author and philosopher Eric Hoffer said:
“It is the child in man that is the source of his uniqueness and creativeness, and the playground is the optimal milieu for the unfolding of his capacities and talents.”
Selfishly, perhaps I will have another chance to fight battles, fly horses, and dream with her there. I sure hope so … before she leaves these sweet years of popsicles on the playground.