Today is the day many Christians pay homage to the Mother of Our Lord, the virgin mother of Jesus Christ, dating back to the earliest days of the Church. Besides Jesus himself, only two humans have been mentioned in the Creeds. One is Pontius Pilate, the Roman procurator of Judea from 26 to 36 AD. That Christ was crucified by his order narrows the date of His death within a few years. It also certifies it is an event in history; something that actually happened. The other name spoken is that of Mary. The Creeds say Jesus “was born of the Virgin Mary” which asserts that he was truly human and yet fully divine. A right regard for her will always direct us to Him who found in her His first earthly dwelling-place. Mary tells us to listen to Him and to do as He says. She is truly blessed among women and is the only human being upon whom God bestowed such an incredible honor. Ave Maria.