My little one was so timid when she first started taking karate classes she would not even tag anyone for a game of duck duck goose. Granted, she was only three but she pretty much just took everything in and sucked her little thumb. By the end of class they’d gently coaxed it out of her mouth and at least she ran around the circle. In her defense, I have seen many boys older and bigger than she is bawl for their mothers; so this proud mama thinks she was tough! More than a year and a half later my karate kid girl was the only one in class that day who had done her jobs list. Students have a number of things they must complete each week to demonstrate they are forming good habits and showing respect both at home and in the studio. Mine knows I will not give her a free pass — if she doesn’t do the work, she doesn’t get her list filled out to be turned in. There is also a blue sheet they must take the initiative on in order to compete for their next belt, earning them a blue stripe. It is not enough to know the kicks, strikes, blocks, and combinations. In fact, each belt test requires the completion of two blue stripes showing they have performed chores on their own, helped without asking, etc. As my little girl was standing, her instructor acknowledged her efforts and she was given the honor of choosing the game they got to play at the end. She chose my favorite — tiger’s tail. An instructor will get “noodles” and hold them out like long claws while a white “tail” dangles from the back of their black uniform. The students must outwit the tiger and take his tail without getting caught. To my utter shock, on this day my little one charged and snuck up behind the “tiger” while he was distracted … triumphantly catching his tail! She was told to put both hands in the air and say, “I WIN!” and I do not know which of us was more proud. American Professor of Law at Yale Amy Chua has been quoted as saying:
“I think if you’re a ‘tiger parent’ early on, you don’t need to be a ‘helicopter parent’ in high school.”
I may be a tiger mom at present, but I do not intend to be a helicopter mother later. Right now I’m just trying to catch the tiger’s tail!