My mother was hilarious and had a great vocabulary. One phrase she used a lot was “a hair.” It’s a Texas thing I suppose meaning a tiny bit. For example, she’d often ask me to “raise the air a hair” which meant to turn up the air conditioning a little. She’d also say “fire” for heat. If you’re envisioning a heavy southern accent of some sort she did not have one. Her speech was delicate and refined. Just when I thought I knew all her vernacular she’d come up with something else. She was so quiet very few people knew how witty she really was. My mama was a treasure to me, my daddy, my husband, and our daughter. Seeing this small pile of hair (yes, you read that right; this was nothing compared with the rest of it) I thought of Mama and smiled inwardly. We had to take the wolfies in for their annual wellness check-up yesterday and our girl Cheyenne (who favors the husky side more in looks but the wolf side more in mannerisms) was blowing her coat — big time. The poor thing doesn’t know what to do. It should have been gone by now but because they’re indoors her body has kept it. (We have it cold for them.) In the wild they naturally shed their coats during the spring for summer and then grow them back again in autumn for winter. Right now you can literally just touch her and chunks of hair come flying off. The groomer was booked so the sweet vet techs decided to try and get a little of her undercoat out just with their hands. It was horrifying and literally looked like some type of small animal had just been murdered in the waiting area. I do not exaggerate when I tell you it was absolutely EVERYWHERE. The wolfies do not have an odor of any sort so there were just huge piles of soft, beautiful, fluffy hair. Some people actually collect it and stuff pillows with it, make plush animals out of it, etc. The bracelet I cherish most was made out of my first wolf hybrid’s hair. It looks like round beads in varying shades of gray. I am so thankful for the person who was kind and thoughtful enough to make that for me. I am reminded of the anonymous quote, “No outfit is complete without a little dog hair.” Everyone’s scrubs at the vet’s — from the Dr. to the techs to the receptionist — were very, VERY complete. And I was more than a hair embarrassed.

From someone whose every outfit is complete with cat hair….THAT is a FABULOUS entry!!
Well Esther thank you very much! You and Liz are welcome over any time because I won’t have to worry if you all wind up with a stray hair or two … be it cat, wolf, or Shih Tzu! I am so glad you liked it! Thank you for reading and for taking the time to respond! Please share if you think someone will get a grin out of it. Meowci beaucoup! 😉
If you cannot handle the dog hair, you cannot handle me. My pups are my babies!!! Great blog!!
Thanks so much Laura! I agree. Our four-leggeds are our babies and truly part of the family. And thanks for taking the time to read and respond. Poochas gracias! 😉