I have been trying to declutter our house a little at a time for the past year or so. There are a couple of reasons for this: I want our home to look more spacious and I want to let go of things we no longer need or use. Environmentally, I am committed to reducing, reusing, and recycling. I do not want to have a disposable household and I want my daughter to appreciate her toys and her clothes. Change is a battle for me though because I am a creature of habit. I like my things precisely where they are. I am not one of those people switching up the furniture in every room all the time or painting the walls a different color. Not that there’s anything wrong with that; it’s just not me. My husband REALLY does not like change. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus is quoted as having first said, “The only thing constant in life is change.” So when the TV guy broke one of my lava lamps I tried to look at the positives. One, it WAS looking a little cluttered; two, I did not need the second one over by my blue neon wolf. Three, the working one I moved really did look much better because it was in a place where it stood alone and could be seen more prominently. Our den feels totally different now just from having to make those small changes! I cannot believe how one thing that happened could affect so much! I am going to have to remember that: all actions have a ripple effect.

I really like this blog
Thank you! I am so lucky to have you and Maris to write about! In many ways my life started when I met you. I love you.
This one hit home with me since my decision to “change” and sell my own home has led me to reorganize and reduce. Thanks!
Brian I am so glad. Thank you for reading and sharing! There really is something freeing about letting go of so much of the stuff we are blessed to have. I think it makes you value and appreciate what you keep even more.