Not Waffling On Breakfast


When I was single I never ate breakfast unless I was on vacation with my folks.  I always just tanked up on coffee, went to college and then straight to work.  The idea of stopping to eat food right when I woke up seemed foreign to me.  And then I met my if-I-don’t-eat-every-five-minutes-I-might-expire beloved.  The first trip we took was an Alaskan cruise where I discovered the delights of a very European breakfast.  Unlike the unappealing slabs of poor dead pigs and boring toast the Americans seemed to favor, the slim and trim Europeans were crunching away on granola.  Only this granola was DELICIOUS!  It didn’t resemble a tasteless box of rocks!  They had dried cherries and pecans in them and I was absolutely hooked!  I could actually tell the Americans from the Europeans without even hearing them speak by what they had on their breakfast plates.  I notice they never skipped breakfast but what they ate was vastly different.  I have had some difficulty getting the “good” granola here in the states but things have drastically improved in the past ten years since we took that trip.  At home I make eggs a lot and I find a quiet joy in having my little family come down the stairs greeted by the comforting smells of coffee and breakfast each morning.  The Israeli born American novelist Ayelet Waldman said:

“A good mother remembers to serve fruit at breakfast, is always cheerful and never yells, manages not to project her own neuroses and inadequacies onto her children, is an active and beloved community volunteer.  She remembers to make play dates, her children’s clothes fit, she does art projects with them and enjoys all their games.”

Yes, well, I confess I am not always able to be Cherie the Chef so sometimes it just looks like the waffle pictured here.  Pop these bad boys in the toaster and voila!  But hey, they are organic, whole grain, and gluten free.  I may not always have time to make it gourmet, but I’m not waffling on breakfast.


Pirate’s Booty


Avast ye mateys!  Shiver me timbers, it be national Talk Like a Pirate Day.  Blimey I thought the store just let this buccaneer dress up, thinking ’twas work related being at Trader Joe’s.  Now listen here ye scurvy scallywags, quit yer snickerin’.  Aye, ’twas a logical conclusion with the store bein’ nautical and all.  ‘Tis why they have bells at the cash registers ye bloomin’ landlubbers.  Any old salt or seadog would know that.  Arrr!  Alrighty me lads and lasses, I shall cease wif’ me tryin’ to parrot pirate speak before ye think about gettin’ three sheets to the wind with grog and trying to walk the plank.  Nobody wants to feed the fish if ye get me drift.  The beloved American entrepreneur Walt Disney rightly once said:

“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.”

Now I need to end this tale, weigh anchor, and get the poop deck shipshape.  Then I think I will celebrate by splicing the mainbrace and diving into a good book, right after I pillage some of me wee lassies’ delicious, gluten free Pirate’s Booty.


Out In The Great Outdoors


Times have changed so much since I was a kid.  We ran wild until it was time for supper without a care in the world.  My mother’s only qualification was that when she called me I had better come RIGHT then.  She made dinner from scratch every night and I came back tired and happy from playing tetherball, catching bugs, and climbing trees.  The world is a different place now:  there need to be scheduled “play dates”, there are new strains of awful mosquitos, and sadly kids have to worry about strangers.  I have some really nice clients that fly north for the summer to escape the netherworldly humid Texas heat.  They have an enormous back yard that is well over an acre and completely enclosed.  I told my little one she could just go and play while I worked and she could not believe it.  “Just GO?!” she asked in shock and disbelief.  “Yep” I said nonchalantly.  “But you need to watch me,” she stated with a hint of fear in her voice.  “Nope” I replied.  “You are completely safe here.”  “What about bugs?” she wanted to know.  I whipped out the repellent, covering her from head to toe and told her she was good to go.  Hesitantly at first, she went outside but lingered close while I went about my job checking on the house.  She discovered a putting green where she turned the dignified game of golf into a hybrid of cricket and some sort of carnival game at the fair.  Next she found the swing and a little while later she was running around the giant azalea bushes in circles shrieking with abandon.  She ventured out even more and crossed over their bridge that leads to a gazebo in the very back.  After I’d finished my rounds I came out to play with her.  We raced and laughed and tried to scare each other.  The comforting sounds and smells of late summer brought me back to when I was little and being outside with total abandon.  One of my favorite quotes is from the Lebanese born poet Kahlil Gibran:

“Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.”

And that is exactly what my little one and I did … out in the great outdoors.


Feeling Lucky


What little I know about ladybugs is that they are beneficial, eating pests such as aphids off rose leaves.  Many cultures consider ladybugs to be a good sign.  I was fascinated to discover the Christian legend that says they were sent by Our Lady the Blessed Virgin Mary to protect crops.  Grasshoppers I know leap tremendously far in the air and, according to what I have unearthed, it is the Chinese symbol of abundance.  They only leap forward.  I saw both this lady and this guy pictured here and I have decided I am going to claim a double dose of good luck that will be coming my way.  After all, I think catching this ladybug before she flew away and getting this grasshopper pic before he jumped ahead was a pretty extraordinary occurrence for someone just out in their yard watering the plants.

“If all mankind were to disappear, the world would regenerate back to the rich state of equilibrium that existed ten thousand years ago.  If insects were to vanish, the environment would collapse into chaos.” ~ American biologist E. O. Wilson

I am not superstitious, nor do I play the lottery.  But based upon that quote alone I am feeling lucky.


“A Person’s A Person No Matter How Small”


It is probably the one thing the hubs and I were excited to have season opener tickets to:  Seussical the Musical.  The Dallas Children’s Theater outdid themselves on this one, and they have had some greats.  I was glad to see adults there on their own as well as those with kiddos in tow.  This was truly for children of all ages.  It is a theatre that does not patronize kids; giving them credit for being smart enough to get jokes and understand plots.  Hence why it is also so enjoyable for adults as well.  Seussical the Musical is sort of moderated by The Cat in the Hat and centered around Horton the Elephant, of Horton Hears a Who.  I do not want to give anything away, as I believe everyone should try to go and see this show.  The time flew by (inside pun for those who have seen it) and before we knew it the curtain came down for intermission.  Their box office is so inclusive and attentive to anyone with different needs.  Since our daughter cannot have gluten they graciously allowed us to bring in gluten free red velvet cupcakes and retrieve them during the break.  So we got to eat cupcakes right along with everyone else and our little four year old was so happy.  In the words of the famed American children’s writer Dr. Seuss:  “A person’s a person, no matter how small.”


Morning Glory


As I have confessed here many times, much to my lament I do not know plants like my mother did and trees like my father did.  So now I am having to learn them on my own.  These are Morning Glories that are growing wild along our driveway.  They open fully to the Eastern sun and by noon they have closed themselves up waiting for another day.  In that way they remind me of water lilies.  I have heard they are invasive.  Some of my favorite plants and trees seem to be labeled as invasive so I am not sure exactly what to say on that.  I also seem to have an affinity for plants rooted in Asia; to me they have such a delicate, graceful flow of movement.  The American dancer Martha Graham is quoted as once having said:

“‘Age’ is the acceptance of a term of years.  But maturity is the glory of years.”

I love the vine’s heart shaped leaves and delight in waking to its prolific blooms.  They serve as a reminder to me that each day I should stop and savor the morning glory.


Girls’ Night Out Under The Sky


The hubs had to work late and I was exhausted.  My little one just got out of karate and the prospect of cooking just seemed too daunting.  It was a rare Texas evening that was not a scorcher and I decided we would have a girls’ night out, trying this new restaurant that is gluten free.  Oh my baby doll felt SO grown up as she ordered her own peanut butter, jelly and Nutella sandwich with fruit!  And she didn’t feel “different” because the whole place was basically gluten free.  I got a fabulous elote (corn) in a bowl loaded with who all knows what; typically it’s salt, chili powder, butter, cheese, lemon juice, and sour cream.  They had great hot sauce which I liberally added.  Even better, I paired it with a glass of red wine.  And so we went outside to sit on the patio.  It was a quiet evening; heaven really.  I looked up and this picture was my view.  It was a beautiful night:  unexpected, rare, and magical.  We weren’t rushed and everyone was so nice.  The American self-help author Dr. Wayne Dyer once said:

“To be more childlike, you don’t have to give up being an adult.  The fully integrated person is capable of being both an adult and a child simultaneously.  Recapture the childlike feelings of wide-eyed excitement, spontaneous appreciation, cutting loose, and being full of awe and wonder at this magnificent universe.”

That is exactly how I felt hanging out with my four year old and feeling cool.  It is a night I will always remember.  Now I must strive to be less rigid and seek more opportunities for a girls’ night out under the sky.


Our Dove’s Tale


I have always admired the symmetry of two tall green plants flanking the doorways of homes.  Some are more grand than others, but to me they all lend a sort of stateliness no matter what their size.  That is what I was attempting to create when I bought two Japanese Pencil Hollies for the windows on either side of our front door.  I’m sure they would have looked more formal in some type of urn or pedestal planter.  But I love Paloma here and thought it just might fit.  Now she resembles more of a quetzal but she makes me happy nonetheless.  If she could talk I think she’d say she sees lots of comings and goings:  big wolves trampling in and out, gatos malos (bad cats) trying to escape for a bit of adventure, a little girl with curly hair stripping off her clothes before she quite makes it all the way through the door, a mother hauling in groceries every day before going to work and a father hauling out recycling every day after he has worked.  But they are a happy bunch.  Our house is full of all sort of wolves, original art, family pictures, seashells, and our little girl’s toys.  Our home is our refuge and has on many occasions been called eclectic.  I have always supposed that was a polite term for unusual.  I have never fit into any mold and neither has my husband.  I think that’s why we’re so perfect for each other.  The French fashion designer Paloma Picasso once said, “I don’t have anything to prove anymore.  I can relax.”  For years I felt the need to prove myself.  By the grace of God, and with my husband’s help, I do not feel that way anymore.  It is incredibly freeing — and that sums up our dove’s tale.


A Pink Lady


I did not even get her name.  I was in the grocery store which, despite my best efforts, I seem to find myself in at least once daily.  My little family eats like a Biblical plague of locusts.  Seriously, it is not normal.  Anyway, I was on my way out when I discovered this woman sitting on a bench waiting for whomever she was with to finish shopping.  I stopped in my tracts because my little one has trained me to notice all things pink.  And here was this woman, wearing brown scrubs trimmed in pink, with pink and white nails, a delicate hint of pink eye shadow underneath her brows, and rocking varying shades of light and dark pink in her close cut hair.  Moreover, there was a radiance about her which I found captivating.  I could not help but ask for her picture and explained that my little girl, who was in school, would flip when she saw her.  I told the Pink Lady of my little one’s love for all things pink.  Graciously, and without hesitation, she obliged.  People often talk about auras.  I suspect she would have forced a psychic to squint.  The Hollywood actress and humanitarian Audrey Hepburn once said, “Pink isn’t just a color, it’s an attitude!”  If I had to describe it I would say it was happy, sassy, and kind.  And now I have proof, because today I discovered a pink lady.


Cycles Of Life


I am always fascinated by the etymology of words and phrases.  It is supposed that the word “tad” (meaning a liittle) originated from “tadpole.”  I have written about our toads several times and a reader requested wanting to actually see one in the tadpole stage.  I may have a better picture, but for the time being this is the best one I have managed to fish up.  (No pun intended.)  From what I have been able to observe the female lays a few hundred eggs that look like a bunch of black dots in our pond.  Not very long after I can see they’ve become tadpoles, which swim about freely feeding on microscopic organisms.  At about six weeks they grow hind legs and around three months their tails shrink and they are able to breathe out of water and go on land.  This is based on my amateur observation anyway.  Part of the joy is in learning.  The famed French explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau once said:

“We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one.”

There are struggles and triumphs; sorrows and pains.  The comfort is in knowing if you are in a diffucult time the good will come back around.  Water, like life, is rhythmic.  And they all follow the cycles of life.
