Today is a day I always liked as a kid but have learned to love as an adult. I never got to trick-or-treat because living in an apartment is a little different when neighbors move more often and you do not know people as well. Plus I grew up in the ’70’s and there were all these scares on the news about razor blades in apples. I do have fond memories of my folks taking me to a rec center for a Halloween carnival each year, though. You could play games to win treats and they had a haunted house. It was fun but nothing like the rare magic of seeing everyone out strolling the neighborhood at night all dressed up and scoring free candy. People invite you into their homes sometimes and it’s fun to see how someone else decorates or what the inside of their house looks like. I think it’s even better than Christmas caroling. Ironically, people aren’t suspicious of the Grim Reaper knocking at their door and, I’m not gonna lie, I love scaring the SPIT out of kids with our doormat that makes different terrifying sounds. In so many ways I feel my life has just begun and I cherish relishing in the new joys and discoveries it has in store. The American poet Emily Dickinson once said, “Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough.” Ecstasy tonight looked like a 46 year old woman with long, dark blue hair sipping from her newly discovered wine, “Once Upon a Vine: The Big Bad Red Blend” while watching her handsome husband dressed as a ship’s captain escort his Little Mermaid princess around to collect treats. Oh, if I could just bottle it.