I am beginning to think I should rename this category “drinks.” Have you ever had one of those days? Sometimes I just want to go home, grab an animal, and snuggle up with a glass of Cabernet in complete and total silence. I think my husband would say the same only with beer and the news. I am so grateful to have a family and I know my life would be empty without them. It’s just that sometimes I long for a moment of solitude or peace and, when I am unable to attain either, a glass of wine has to suffice. “Where’s my underpants?” “What’s for dinner?” “Have you seen my toy?!” The wolfies howl to be let out. The wolfies howl to be let in. Someone texts me. A client has a request. I am still baffled at how my husband thinks a dinner from scratch will miraculously present itself precisely ten minutes after I have arrived at home. With the mail. And groceries. And a cranky little one. And work I have not finished. Then I feel like a horrible wife and mother for microwaving things. Well, how else is our little one supposed to keep a schedule? And how I am to crock pot something when I left in the morning without even having coffee? Why do I feel like no matter how hard I try I fail? I have an aunt by marriage who has a penchant for funny cocktail napkins. Sometimes I take them home with me. This was one of them. The American comedian W. C. Fields once quipped: “I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.” Tonight I told my beloved he was on his own with our little one and then I told myself … dinner is poured.