I can no longer wear contacts and I have not worn glasses in years. I remember my first pair were 1970’s huge and I had my initials on the bottom right corner of one of the lenses. I have never liked glasses and in fact there is only one pair of sunglasses I have ever found that I like. Now I have actually found a pair of peepers I really, truly like! First, I can SEE (I need them for distance) and second, they actually make me happy. They are my favorite, beloved shade of blue, and I do not mind wearing them. And I can see! Did I mention that? I am so grateful for my eyesight and once again I have been reminded what a tremendous blessing it is, not to be taken for granted. The famous American author Helen Keller, whom I have always greatly admired, said, “Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.” I think that is incredibly profound coming from a woman who spent her entire life blind. There will always be shadows in life, but one can choose where they place their focus. I choose to face the sunshine.

How we see is more important than how we look. Thanks for this insightful reflection! Brian
Thank you once again for reading Brian. Here’s looking at you, kid. 🙂