Hooray for the first day of autumn in Texas! I can actually open the kitchen window without it feeling like a blasting hot pizza oven! Our screened in porch is letting in a chilly, invigorating breeze. With the exception of the pervasive scent of cinnamon in stores everywhere (I am allergic and it gives me vicious migraines), I believe autumn is my favorite. No one is freezing and the threat of mosquitos is thankfully gone. My beloved calls this “wolf weather” and it really is. Cheyenne and Dakota just prance on our walks around the creek. I wonder how much more glorious it must be for them, given their far keener sense of smell. This is the best walking weather and we are blessed to have one of the best walks to enjoy in the city. It is actually going to get cold enough to start a fire! We never had a fireplace growing up and there is absolutely nothing in this world that can beat the smell of wood burning in cold air. I love pinion the best but we burn mesquite or any other type of wood that is sustainable. A parting thought for today: the ancient Greek rhetorician Athenaeus of Naucratis said, “Old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read.” Happy fall y’all.