Looking at this stained glass at a memorial for a dear friend, I have been thinking how it resembles life. We are all made up of a complex mosaic of experiences and people we have encountered. Some pieces are bigger and take up more space; others may be small but their color shines brightly. Some are easy to forget and others never leave. Some people we encounter in life are givers; others are takers. Some you can count on and others you cannot. Some wish you well and some don’t. Some always bring the sun, allowing your colors to shine brighter. Others always seem to carry dark clouds, trying to making your light gloomy. Some hold you together and some can crack you to pieces. And some we take for granted until it’s too late. We get so busy with our own lives and we tell ourselves we’ll visit tomorrow. Then tomorrow comes and we still do not make the time. This woman whose celebration of life and faith I was attending was a true friend. I am ashamed to say I do not believe I was as good of a friend to her. I did not mean to stop visiting; I had an ailing mother and newborn baby plus my work and I was overwhelmed. Now I am writing this and she will not get to see it. I witnessed a chapel full of loving friends who laughed at her candor, admired her adventures, and loved her for her genuine warmth and hospitality. The wonderful thing about faith is the belief that we will see those whom we love again one day. The American author Leo Buscaglia said, “Death is a challenge. It tells us not to waste time … it tells us to tell each other right now that we love each other.” I resolve to become more caring of others and follow in her example. I want to be like her; a treasured piece in someone else’s mosaic.

This is a most important thought, thanks for sharing it with us.
Thank you for reading it Brian. This was in loving memory of Ginger Stallings. I am so glad I at least got to compliment her directly once though the comments on my blog before she passed.