I am borrowing this from a pedicab driver we had in France. He said he had the best job in the world because all of Paris was his office. And he was right. I snapped this at a stop sign on my way to my first round of the morning. The sun was just rising which is why the light is faint. My car is my office. I have worked on Black Friday every year since I was fifteen. The difference is I now have the privilege and pleasure of visiting with and caring for animals. I love my job and do not resent working essentially every day of the year. Some days are more stressful than others but then that is just life. Growing up we never had any money to spend so Black Friday just doesn’t mean shopping to me. I do not like the crowds, the battle for parking, and the frenzied feel of it all. The Scottish singer Annie Lennox once said, “I will go out of my way to avoid the shopping crowds and the extreme consumerism – I hate all that.” For those who love to hit the stores AFTER Thanksgiving day, enjoy! As for me, I am going to try and relax a little, and I will be spending some of my time admiring the view from my office.