Tonight I made gluten free pasta for the first time. Not only could no one tell the difference, it was a vegetarian meal that was nearly vegan. (We had gluten free garlic rolls with butter.) My whole little family loved it. I don’t post a lot of food pics because I do not think it ever looks fancy enough. But I am so glad everyone really enjoyed it. As you can see, I consider sauce a beverage (borrowing a varied quip from my beloved Erma Bombeck) and I cook with a TON of onions and garlic. For Christmas I got my husb, er, daughter this game called Yeti in my Spaghetti and we thought it would be a great time to break it out. It sort of reminds me of pick up sticks I played with as a kid. It’s a simple game; everyone goes around pulling out a strand of spaghetti and the one who causes the Yeti to fall in the bowl loses. I learned some things as I studied my opponents. Surprisingly, my husband was the daredevil. He’d just boldly take one and pull. I taught our baby doll to study it and start with the easy ones that weren’t holding him up. The best part was no one thought about iPads or iPhones (not that we don’t love them) and it really did remind me of my childhood. I played so many board games with my folks. We intend to do the same with her as she grows. The Canadian born American actor Michael J. Fox said, “Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.” Our family time tonight was precious, happy, and well spent that centered around the three of us … and a Yeti in my spaghetti.

What a neat game!
It’s silly and fun. Great for a five year old … and a 43 year old who likes “high strange.” 😉 Thanks for reading Kelly!