I have always maintained that my husband has the metabolism of a squirrel on crack. People think I exaggerate how much he eats. I will never forget when my mother moved in with us; one day she just sat her little self on the sofa, staring in rapt fascination at how many times the hubs went in and out of the pantry. (It was his day off and apparently her form of entertainment.) When I got home she called me over and, with huge eyes, she whispered, “He just never stops eating.” Eleven years ago people would say he was still young and that’s why he had that metabolism. Well now he’s 43 and is still blessed to eat whatever, whenever. Once when I laid out all our groceries he even admitted it looked like we were feeding “some type of farm animal.” So I find myself at the grocery store a lot. Today I was so tired I had the little one wait for me in the back while I put the cart away just beside our car. This is probably the smallest amount of groceries we have ever had. The American politician Mark Udall said:
“Our livelihood is intimately tied to the food we eat, water we drink and places where we recreate. That’s why we have to promote responsibility and conservation when it comes to our natural resources.”
Growing up our pantry was not always full. It made me truly appreciate the ability to have a stocked refrigerator. I do NOT want our little one taking food for granted. Meanwhile the grocery store has become a second home. Our little one eats just like her daddy; it is truly mind boggling. The cashier just looked at me and grinned; I told her we’d be back in a few.