We are blessed to have a lot of trees around our house. With that, I have learned, comes responsibility. They need to be pruned for city code reasons and safety issues, their roots need to be flared to stay healthy, and one has needed to be cabled to hold up its great branches without snapping. Then of course there are the leaves. I actually love them but I now know they clog the gutters and can damage your roof if you do not have them cleaned. We try to have them cleared out twice a year. Our downspout was completely full so we definitely needed it. I drove up just as the gutter guy was leaving but I had a chance to speak with him. My daddy always taught me to ask questions because that’s how you learn. The American actor Nicholas Cage said, “Every great story seems to begin with a snake.” Turns out he found a dead three foot copperhead in our gutter!! If there’s one thing that completely freaks the hubs, it’s snakes. I tend to view them as helpful, but then again I’ve never been good about knowing venomous from non venomous. Buldging my eyes, I asked him if he was sure. “Sure it’s a copperhead or sure it’s dead?” I just nodded mutely. He said it was yes to both. I was wondering how on earth a venomous snake could have possibly wound up two stories on our roof. A friend of mine who has a very smart teenager said a bird probably dropped it. Well that makes sense. “Where is it now?” I asked trying not to look around trepidatiously. “Oh it’s in the back of the truck with the rest of the mulch.” Repressing a shiver I thanked him profusely (I’m sure snake handling is not part of his job) and I felt great giving him a nice Christmas tip. I have learned from this experience one never knows what might turn up in the gutter.