I came across this picture of when the wolfies were still little. You may not be able to tell, but Santa was a little rattled. I think he was more used to Yorkies than wolf cubs. Dakota howled and Cheyenne tried to eat his beard. I found myself silently betting he wouldn’t be back the next year. Too bad I didn’t place money on that; I would’ve won. You can see from this picture Dakota and his sister Cheyenne were as sweet as they could be. I have said before I hope they serve as ambassadors of sorts for their brethren in the wild. We got them giant femur bones as treats for being so good. I am so glad Santa visits our furry family members as well; I just love that. The British veterinary surgeon and writer James Herriot once said:
“If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans.”
There is so much we can learn from God’s creatures. And I think someone who knows that most of all is St. Nicholas, who embodies selfless, unconditional love just as animals do. I am so glad there is a Santa Claws.