Well my dream of having a White Christmas was turned upside down as I was in shorts today. It was a pleasant 70 something degrees and kiddos of all sorts were venturing out to try their new gadgets. One of my runs was working across from a park and I felt I would be the worst mother in the whole wide world if I did not make the time to stop. With a skip and a “whoopee!” my little one went running toward the jungle gym. I found myself contemplating how playgrounds now are full of wood chips as I dislodged one out of my sandals, making my way to where my baby doll was calling for me. “LOOK! LOOK MAMA! LOOK!” and not only did I look, I snapped her picture before she turned back right side up. Nothing beats the serenity of nature, and going to the park is a timeless way of slowing down. I really try not to use my iPhone outside unless it’s to take pictures of my little one. So often as adults we do not live in the moment. The Hungarian born American graphic designer Tibor Kalman once said, “I’m always trying to turn things upside down and see if they look any better.” Standing there the day after Christmas in weather approaching the ’80’s I decided to just follow my little girl’s lead, and embrace the upside down.

I so enjoyed this story. I could picture being in that very park. I enjoy being outside so much and parks are magical places.
Thank you so much Kelly. I’m so glad you liked it. And I agree: nature is magical. 🙂