I realize that I have blogged about this sweet lady before. In fact it was almost one year ago exactly, but she is so fantastic I could not resist writing about her again. For anyone who wants to read the first piece, just search my archives by scrolling to the bottom of the home page and entering in “A Trip To Trader Joe’s.” I have seen this woman almost weekly for an entire year now and I have never failed to see her outgoing, cheerful, personable, and silly. Silly is the part that I like best. Schlepping to the store as a repetitive chore is transformed by an effervescent worker who never ceases to brighten my day — or my little girl’s, when she is with me. Even my husband loves her because she doles out free samples. What I admire about her is that every day this woman makes a choice; consciously or not. And I have yet to see her choose anything but happiness. What would the world be like if we had more people in the professional workforce who were not afraid to step out, be creative, and celebrate life? My pal Patty Woodrich exemplifies this. On her own, she has created hats she wears to work for New Year’s, Valentine’s, Mardi Gras, Easter, May Day, Flag Day, the Fourth of July, a Hawaiian theme in August, an autumnal theme, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas plus several more. I have discovered she MUST have a Groundhog Day hat. Aside from that, I have seen the woman sporting ridiculous turkey legs on either side of her head, whirligigs spinning every which way, spiders, chicks, hearts, American flags, flowers, and so much more. She has a youthful personality which matches her hats — original, festive, and fun. The American singer Frank Sinatra said, “Cock your hat — angles are attitudes.” I can say with no small measure of admiration and respect, my friend Patty does it her way.

We def need more “Patty’s” in this world!
We most certainly do Fay. Stop by and see her; she’ll make your day!
I had the honor of working with Patty back in 1987-89 in Los Angeles when we both worked at Victoria’s Secret. Patty was the Display Coordinator for the Western Region and she worked her magic in the stores, making all the displays look amazing. Patty is the real deal, a special lady with a heart of gold. Miss her and her sense of play.
Sue thank you for reading and for sharing. Patty IS the real deal and I wanted to do my small part to celebrate her as well as inspire others to be more like her.
My amazing sister! This is how she’s been all her life! Thanks for acknowledging her contributions!
Margie thank you for reading and subscribing! Your sister is the only person whom I have blogged about twice that was not my own family. If you read the first comment, that was someone in my own family who said it beautifully — we definitely need more Pattys in this world.