For years I have bought a product for my home from a woman who has not responded well, if at all. It is important for me that our house smell good right when you walk in since we have a small zoo. Month after month I faithfully ordered under her name. When I had a problem once she never helped me and yet I still kept patronizing her. There was no defining moment, I just decided one month last year to stop buying from her and went without. I told myself I was saving money but I did not like coming home without the welcome scent of something sweet and delicate overriding the air. So I decided to start the New Year on a different note. Last month I Googled a list of other representatives in my area. The woman I chose responded not only immediately but cheerfully. This picture shows how my first order was delivered — personally. I found out I had been missing all sorts of extras I had earned plus I was having to pay for shipping! In addition to bonus scents, free samples, and saved money this sweet woman took the time to put it in this bag for Valentine’s and bring it over. That would have been lovely enough. But she didn’t stop there: she brought this precious little monkey for my daughter and the chocolates for me. “It’s just a small thing,” she said as I was quiet, reflecting on her kindness. It was no small thing: this woman made me feel appreciated and valued — no price can be placed on that. I am learning to stop trying to drink from dry wells and to go where I am wanted. This was a valuable lesson for me; I only wish I’d learned it sooner. The German novelist Jean Paul said, “Be great in act, as you have been in thought.”

Happens to me all the time as well!
thank you for “heads up!”
This has been a hard one for me. I inherently want people to like me but why should I care if they don’t? I have to be myself.