I am sure I have mentioned before how much my mother loved pictures; taking pictures of our family, that is. I remember we spent a lot of time at the drug store looking at all the photos she’d taken that had been developed. Yes, it was the dark ages, no pun intended. Now everyone has digital pics and they rarely get printed. When I first saw Harry Potter I thought the coolest concept they had was of the moving pictures. Who would have imagined they are now a reality with film being able to capture a few seconds of movement before and after a picture. I know I should take more videos, as sound is precious as well, but I find I do not access them nearly as much. So this picture frame is a great compromise for me. I can upload whatever pictures I want and can make them appear in order or at random. This photo is one of my favorites. It was our wedding anniversary and the first time our baby had gone to the beach. We had a very nice dinner out and I put her in this smocked outfit which had a captain teddy bear next to a lighthouse with sail boats in the harbor. It came with this little hat and I thought it was the sweetest thing I’d ever seen. The fancy restaurant overlooking the ocean let us in with a baby (I’d called beforehand to check) and she was an angel the entire time we were there. So many feelings, memories, and emotions are tied with this picture. So every time it comes up I am filled with a nostalgic sense of joy. As the digital photo album scrolls I literally watch my baby doll go from infancy to a little girl of five. The American co-founder of Instagram, Kevin Systrom, aptly said:
“Every photo you take communicates something about a moment in time – a brief slice of time of where you were, who you were with, and what you were doing.”
My mother recognized that and thankfully she instilled it in me. Now I am watching my daughter’s life develop in a series of moving pictures.